Sunday, September 27, 2009

1. Starting Out.

I've had a blog before. And like many things, all well intentioned.... they start with a bang, start to fizzle and fade, flare back up, and eventual die a slow death. I'm not in anyway resolving to post something every day. Nor am I promising that this blog won't also die a slow death. My old blog ( is still in existence, but has not been posted to with any sort of regularity for quite some time. So why start something new instead of continuing where I left off? I don't know.

I guess maybe I want to start fresh here because most of the old blog was linked to my "old life" before I moved to Manitoba and the many changes that followed. Maybe its because I enjoy writing, and for some reason my brain c an keep up with my fingers on a keyboard much better then brain waiting patiently while my fingers push a pen around on paper, sometimes confusing what its supposed to be writing with what my brain is already processing for the next 2 paragraphs.

So it begins. I don't' know how this will work out. But as with many things, Its started with good intentions.

And even as I start this blog I can hear Satan whispering... the nasty sucker will use ANY opportunity to attack. Even now he's whispering "Don't even start Andrew. You know as well as I do that this will not go anywhere. It will be like countless other blogs by countless other people, filled with boring drivel and eventually you'll forget or loose interest. Don't waste your time with this."

Yet I will. If nothing else I have somewhere to post my thoughts and feelings. even if no one ever reads it (and in a way I hope they do, and find something to challenge them) at least I am putting my thoughts out and my feelings out. Because if I keep them contained, I will slowly rot inside, as sure as if I drank a bottle of acid