Friday, May 28, 2010


Wow its been a while since I've posted anything. And before I go further, I'm posting from my phone, so please forgive a few typos or missed capitals

I'm in a bad place again. Like the life has been sucked out of me. My marriage is a wreck. Nothing i say or do is ever right. If i don't talk or if I do, if I try to help or be concerned or offer advice, it doesn't matter. I am always wrong. And I am not making a mountain out of a molehill either. Others have seen it and commented about it too...

Susie decided to leave for a number of days and when she came back she acted like nothing had happened. And she couldn't give me a good reason why she leeft in the first place. She can say all sorts of mean things to everyone else, yet if I talk to her she will twist whatever I've said into an exadurated negative. If i speak as harshly to her as she does to me she gets mad. So most evenings lately I've gone back to the shop, either to actually work or to tinker on my car.

I am depressed and sad... due largely to how hurting Susie is and there is nothing... absolutely nothing I can do. Every attempt I make only makes things worse.