Wednesday, October 7, 2009


So its Wednesday afternoon. I'm home from work. I rolled out of bed about 45 minutes after my alarm went off (not a good start to the day) and by the time my brain was functioning, it was reporting that my body was not happy. Oh well, off to work I go. And I realize I have no energy. normally I can walk at a decent pace, but today I was slow. Everything hurt, especially my legs. And I'm TIRED. Dog tired. My brain is kinda fuzzy too.

So why am I writing? I don't know. I realized ( many times over actually) that I way-over anylize stuff. All the time. But its such a habit I can't shake it. Sometimes its good. I can look at a situation and come up with a number of probable outcomes, each based on variables within the origional situation. Confused? too bad, I don't know how to make it clearer.

And sometimes...even though I've thought and thought... I still get blind-sided.

Whatever. I needed to write, and as I logged in my brain shut down and I can't remember what I was going to write about. Maybe I'll go have a shower and perhaps that will shake a few cobwebs loose.

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